Ticko Liu
Group Exhibition | Through My Window
Through My Window skilfully narrates the intricacies of each artist’s heart and soul through mesmerising portrayals of breathtaking sceneries, transporting viewers into a world where colours, textures, and brushstrokes come together harmoniously to evoke emotions and tell stories that resonate with every viewer. Also, this exhibition will run in two phases, with some artists exhibiting different works throughout.
「Through My Window」は、息をのむような美しい風景を魅惑的に描くことで、それぞれのアーティストの心の奥底を巧みに語り、色彩、質感、筆致が調和し、感情を呼び起こし、鑑賞者一人ひとりの心に響く物語を語る世界へといざないます。また、この展覧会は2期に分けて開催され、作家によっては会期中異なる作品を展示します。
Dustin Brown, Edmond Li Bellefroid, Jackie Lam a.k.a. 009, Kazy Chan, Luca Bjørnsten, Minyoung Kim, Motonori Uwasu, Okokume, Peep, Qin Tan and Ticko Liu
2 - 24 September, 2023
Opening Reception: Friday, 1 September, 2023, 6 - 8 pm